PIC16F1827 counter uses Real Time Clock 2 PPM crystal oscillator. The PIC sets the DS3231 module to output accurate 1 Hz which is used to gate the input frequency, I use this module because it is cheaper than other 2 PPM crystal oscillators. The 3V battery isn't needed. Measuring the 32768 Hz output of the module gives exact readings.
The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 8 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits. Signal input is a TTL type.
Period is displayed on line 2. The period is calculated. For frequencies greater than 1000Hz the display is ns and for less than 1000Hz the display is in us (micro sec).
Contrast trimmer can set contrast from zero to max, set the trimmer to about middle to start with. Included C code and circuit diagram. The LCD and driver module is a 2 lines 16 characters. The LCD
is driven by 4 bits data bus.
Counter uses PIC16F1827 . The frequency range is 0.25Hz to 10KHz displayed in millihertz. Included C code and circuit diagram. The LCD and driver module is a 2 lines 16 characters. The LCD
is driven by 4 bits data bus. The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 8 digits with leading zeros removed down to 4 digits.
The software counts the number of pulses of 1MHz oscillator during 1 cycle of the input and then calculates 1 billion divided by counts and the result is in milliHz.
The input is connected to the inverting input of the comparator and the non inverting input is connected internaly to 2.5V. The input signal can be down to 0.1VAC and 2.5VDC.
Contrast trimmer can set contrast from zero to max, set the trimmer to about middle to start with.
Counter uses PIC16F1827 . Included C code and circuit diagram. The LCD and driver module is a 2 lines 16 characters. The LCD
is driven by 4 bits data bus.
The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 8 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits. Signal input is a TTL type. The
time base is generated by the 8MHz crystal oscillator using timer1 and CCP1.
The counter measure the frequency for 0.1sec first, if the frequency is greater than 2MHz TMR0 prescaler divides by 2 to increase the input
frequency range to 16MHz with resolution of 2Hz, if the frequency below 2MHz TMR0 is set for no prescaling and the measurment is with resolution of 1Hz.
Period is displayed on line 2. The period is calculated. For frequencies greater than 1000Hz the display is ns and for less than 1000Hz the display is in us (micro sec).
Contrast trimmer can set contrast from zero to max, set the trimmer to about middle to start with.
Counter uses PIC16F628A . Included C code and circuit diagram. The LCD and driver module is a 2 lines 16 characters. The LCD
is driven by 4 bits data bus.
The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 7 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits. Signal input is a TTL type. The
time base is generated by the 20MHz crystal oscillator using timer1 and the CCP.
Timer0 is used to count the input frequency up to 5MHz with resolution of 1Hz
Period is displayed on line 2. The period is calculated. For frequencies greater than 1000Hz the display is ns and for less than 1000Hz the display is in us (micro sec).
Contrast trimmer can set contrast from zero to max, set the trimmer to about middle to start with.
Counter uses PIC16F628A . Included C code and circuit diagram. The LCD and driver module is a 2 lines 16 characters, it has 14 way connector. The LCD
is driven by 4 bits data bus.
The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 7 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits. Signal input is a TTL type. The
time base is generated by the 32768Hz crystal oscillator. The CPU frequency is 4MHz from the internal oscillator.
The lcd_counter2MHz firmware is the older version it counts up to 2MHz only.
The lcd16mhz firmware resolution is 1 Hz for frequencies up to 1 MHz and 8 Hz for
frequencies over 1 MHz.
The counting is first for a period of 1 second
with resolution of 8 Hz and if the frequency is over 1 MHz it is
displayed. If the frequency is less than 1MHz the counting is repeated for
a period of 2 seconds with resolution of 1 Hz and then displayed.
I tested the counter at up to 2MHz, I don't have the means to test higher frequencies.
Period is displayed on line 2. The period is calculated. For frequencies greater than 1000Hz the display is ns and for less than 1000Hz the display is in us (micro sec).
Contrast trimmer can set contrast from zero to max, set the trimmer to about middle to start with.
Counter uses ATtiny85/45, included .ino file and circuit diagram. OLED 0.96'' 128x64 or OLED 0.91'' 128x32 pixel driven by I2C interface and using
SSD1306 driver IC. ATtiny drives the Oled using software I2C.
ATTINY is programmed using Arduino IDE and Arduino as ISP. Use these instructions https://gist.github.com/ij96/804e731bd31dbb95b2b043e93c79ceab with the difference of burning bootloader with setting "Clock Source 16MHz external", this makes the CPU work at the crystal frequency.
The frequency is displayed by 7 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits. Signal input is a TTL type. The
time base is generated by the 16MHz crystal oscillator.
The counting resolution is 1 Hz for frequencies up to 6 MHz.
Counter uses PIC12F629 . Included C code and circuit diagram. HEX file is included. OLED 0.96'' 128x64 or OLED 0.91'' 128x32 pixel driven by I2C interface and using
SSD1306 driver IC. Pic drives the Oled using software I2C. For OLED 128x32 code line 11 has to be commented. HEX files for both size OLED are included.
The frequency is displayed by 7 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits. Signal input is a TTL type. The
time base is generated by the 32768Hz crystal oscillator. The CPU frequency is 4MHz from the internal oscillator.
The counting resolution is 2 Hz for frequencies up to 2 MHz.
OLED 128x64 from
ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/0-96
Counter uses PIC16F628A . Included C code and circuit diagram. Color Oled display 0.95", 96 x 64, SSD1331 driver. Pic drives the Oled using software SPI.
The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 7 digits with leading zeros removed down to 1 digits. Signal input is a TTL type. The
time base is generated by the 32768Hz crystal oscillator. The CPU frequency is 4MHz from the internal oscillator.
The counting resolution is 1 Hz for frequencies up to 2 MHz.
Period is displayed on line 2. The period is calculated. For frequencies greater than 1000Hz the display is ns and for less than 1000Hz the display is in us (micro sec).
OLED module: https://www.ebay.co.uk
The project is for Arduino Uno or Nano. The Arduino generates an accurate 1 second time base for the counter by
cascading timer0 and timer2. The link between digital inputs 3 and 4
connects the output of timer2, 250 Hz, to input of timer0. The software
waits for the output of timer0 to go positive to start the count of
frequency input to timer1. Timer1 is a 16 bits timer, it overflows at the
count of 2 power of 16, that in turn advances over-flow register. At the end
of the 1 second the 16 bit register is recorded. The Arduino then calculates
the frequency and period and displays them on the LCD.
There is a big selection of LCD modules, and they are very similar
in characteristics . The LCD module has to be HD44780 compatible.
frequency input is TTL signal levels. The MCU spects recommend input up to 6 MHz, I tested it at 2 MHz.
Contrast trimmer can set contrast from zero to max, set the trimmer to about middle to start with.
You are free to use the circuit diagram and the software with no
10.09.2018 - 15:28 Name: frans Comment: no comment
17.11.2017 - 16:37 Name: Giovanni Comment: ok
03.10.2017 - 22:06 Name: Moty Comment: Thank you Massimilaino. Saying it in Italian makes the project even better.
02.06.2017 - 17:56 Name: Andrew Comment: Circuit works nicely thanks Moty. However, only works up to 2MHz - not 10MHz as you suggested. I am aware you could only test up to 2MHz but my sig gen goes beyond that to 5-10MHz. Any ideas what the problem could be? (same result whether I use the hex file or compile the C prog with xc8 btw). Cheers!
03.04.2017 - 18:21 Name: phuoc ho Comment: qa
03.04.2017 - 17:22 Name: Andrew Comment: Thanks Moty. The revised firmware works ok but it's hard getting used to the 8Hz resolution after the former accuracy! I'm gonna try this version http://www.electronics-lab.com/project/100mhz-frequency-counter-with-pic16f628a-2/ - they kindly reference your work....
03.04.2017 - 16:36 Name: Andrew Comment: Circuit works nicely thanks Moty. However, only works up to 2MHz - not 10MHz as you suggested. I am aware you could only test up to 2MHz but my sig gen goes beyond that to 5-10MHz. Any ideas what the problem could be? (same result whether I use the hex file or compile the C prog with xc8 btw). Cheers!
03.04.2017 - 16:35 Name: Andrew Comment: Circuit works nicely thanks Moty. However, only works up to 2MHz - not 10MHz as you suggested. I am aware you could only test up to 2MHz but my sig gen goes beyond that to 5-10MHz. Any ideas what the problem could be? (same result whether I use the hex file or compile the C prog with xc8 btw). Cheers!
31.03.2017 - 18:32 Name: Andrew Comment: Circuit works nicely thanks Moty. However, only works up to 2MHz - not 10MHz as you suggested. I am aware you could only test up to 2MHz but my sig gen goes beyond that to 5-10MHz. Any ideas what the problem could be? (same result whether I use the hex file or compile the C prog with xc8 btw). Cheers!
31.03.2017 - 01:50 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Andrew, You are right. I looked at the datasheet and timer 0 always synchronizes the output of the prescaler. That limits the input frequency to osc / 4 * prescaler .
If you can tolerate an error of up to 8 Hz then you can download http://www.moty22.co.uk/lcd16mhz.zip and try it. I changed the prescaler to 1:16 and multiplied the measured frequency by 8. I haven't tested the code, I will do that in the near future.
30.03.2017 - 18:19 Name: Andrew Comment: Circuit works nicely thanks Moty. However, only works up to 2MHz - not 10MHz as you suggested. I am aware you could only test up to 2MHz but my sig gen goes beyond that to 5-10MHz. Any ideas what the problem could be? (same result whether I use the hex file or compile the C prog with xc8 btw). Cheers!
11.03.2017 - 14:10 Name: Tien Comment: Hi Moty. Although circuit don't run, but I thank you very much.I don't understand why code and circuit are the same but still do not show frequency. :((
09.03.2017 - 21:17 Name: Moty Comment: It can be that the 32KHz crystal doesn't oscillate or the input signal amplitude is too low.
09.03.2017 - 04:21 Name: Tien Comment: Hi Moty. Could you see file code C? I ran project, it ran, but it didn't count frequency.
09.03.2017 - 01:12 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Tien, Sorry, I don't have proteus.
08.03.2017 - 10:04 Name: Tien Comment: this is link file proteus and file hex, it isn't working. LCD don't to display.
help me, please. thank you very much
08.03.2017 - 09:44 Name: Tien Comment: this is link file proteus and file hex, it isn't working. LCD don't to display.
help me, please. thank you very much
08.03.2017 - 09:31 Name: Tien Comment: this is link file proteus and file hex, it isn't working. LCD don't to display.
help me, please. thank you very much
08.03.2017 - 09:31 Name: Tien Comment: this is file proteus and file hex, it isn't working. LCD don't to display.
help me, please. thank you very much
08.03.2017 - 00:13 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Tien, Which part isn't working?
07.03.2017 - 13:40 Name: Tien Comment: Hello. I don't run project. help me
24.02.2017 - 09:50 Name: MANI Comment: DOWNLOAD
24.02.2017 - 09:50 Name: MANI Comment: DOWNLOAD
24.02.2017 - 09:49 Name: MANI Comment: OK
09.12.2016 - 15:04 Name: James Comment: Good clear comment lines make modification easy
14.09.2016 - 22:48 Name: Fernando Comment: It is always good to have such information. Tank you.
25.06.2016 - 08:55 Name: SURESH Comment: PLEASE SEND ME THIS PROJECTS
08.04.2016 - 06:06 Name: aaa Comment: ssss
04.04.2016 - 21:14 Name: Fernando PU2PLL Comment: Very usefull circuit to adjust the precision local oscilator of my FT-857D HF ham radio.
I think that a temperature compensated cristal oscilator and a pre-amplifier options will be welcome for ham aplcations.
Thank you.
07.07.2015 - 12:40 Name: Andy BG Comment: Hello!
Thank you!
Well, I gave it a try, but it didn't work... however, I don't use [C] compilers, so I suspect in first place that something's wrong with the configuration... I will take some more time to dig into it.
Best regards,
06.07.2015 - 14:55 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Andy. Welcome to the PIC Jurassic website. Most 8x2 LCD will work. The code start a line with 2 blank symbols so you have to remove them from the code otherwise the last digit of the frequency wont display.
06.07.2015 - 12:05 Name: Andy BG Comment: Hello, Moty!
Very attractive little project, good for you!
I have a stupid question... while finding where I had put my PIC16F628A (BTW it would be awesome if you would migrate to the new PIC16F15xx series, they come at half the price of '628, not to mention the antique 16F84), I have a stupid question...
"The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 7 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits."
- I have a small LCD by my hand, but it is only 8 symbols per line (2 lines)... am I right to expect the same code will run with it?
Best regards,
06.07.2015 - 10:52 Name: Andy BG Comment: Hello, Moty!
Very attractive little project, good for you!
I have a stupid question... while finding where I had put my PIC16F628A (BTW it would be awesome if you would migrate to the new PIC16F15xx series, they come at half the price of '628, not to mention the antique 16F84), I have a stupid question...
"The frequency is displayed on line 1 by 7 digits with leading zeros removed down to 3 digits."
- I have a small LCD by my hand, but it is only 8 symbols per line (2 lines)... am I right to expect the same code will run with it?
Best regards,
06.07.2015 - 03:00 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Dr. Joshi,
Thanks for the comments. The 32K crystal is on TMR1 to give 2 seconds time base. The MCU uses the 4 MHz internal oscillator. 0b1110 is the same as 0b001110. I agree that my code lacks comments. In compare to some other websites mine is very weak in descriptions. One reason is that I'm not good at it. Another reason is that my projects are aimed at people who have some experience and are looking for similar circuits to compare experience. Because I'm not a software engineer and I didn't learn it in school my code isn't a proper example for students. Students will have to rewrite the code in a proper format if they wish to represent it.
05.07.2015 - 10:08 Name: Dr. J. C. JOSHI Comment: Hi Moty, I downloaded the software and found few things misleading. 1. In the diagram the crysral is shown as 3.768 KHz whereas in the software it is wrtten as #define_XTAL_FREQ 4000000, which is correct? 2. While setting up TMR1 prescaler,two MSB ie bit 4&5 are missing. It should have been T1CON = 0b001110. 3. If this project is written for beginners it lacks in comments
24.04.2015 - 02:23 Name: Fabio Alexandre Comment: Hi Moty,
I was trying to set the Hi-tech in MPLAB X, and did not work. Now that you commented on the XC8, I downloaded and installed and it worked perfectly!!
Thank you.
Once again congratulations for the excellent and fast code, and thanks for the reply.
Kind Regards,
24.04.2015 - 00:46 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Fabio, Download the software again, I've added to it C file for MPLAB X with XC8 compiler.
23.04.2015 - 23:21 Name: Fabio Alexandre Comment: Hi,
Very good your circuit and code.
I would like to understand better how it works, so I have tried to compile it for more than a week without success!
I tried on several compilers and editors, as mikroC PRO for PIC, PIC C Compiler, MPLAB X, without success.
Checked in your Technical Tips page that you use the HI-TECH C compiler, which is not manufactured anymore.
I tried some older versions, I believe the wrong versions, it also was not successful.
Versions I found and tried: PICC Standard v9.60 and PICC-Lite v9.50, but none installed Editor, only the compiler, which signed up in MPLAB X, but when you try to compile I get thousands of errors.
Could you tell me which version of the compiler and editor are using, so I try to use them and be able to compile the code.
Kind regards
21.04.2015 - 13:36 Name: Hasan Bilgin Comment: Thenks,
17.03.2015 - 16:23 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Tanveer, Hi-Tech compiler needs to know the oscillator frequency for the purpose of calculating __delay_ms().
09.01.2015 - 02:40 Name: s.Ravichandran Comment: I like this frequency counter,everything is OK. Excellent project,....
31.07.2014 - 17:08 Name: SHAMMU Comment: good job.
05.04.2014 - 10:42 Name: Edba Comment: Hi Moty,
everything is OK. Excellent project. Details will write later.
05.04.2014 - 10:07 Name: Edba Comment: Hi Moty,
everything is OK. Excellent project. Details will write later.
31.03.2014 - 22:13 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Edba.
Does the programmer report any errors?
Try to build a project with Microchip IDE using the C file, compile it and use the .hex file that you get.
Attached another copy of the files.
31.03.2014 - 18:37 Name: Edba Comment: Hi,
I have tried two programmers (PICKIT2 and PICKIT3)
But I have problems - I cannot burn the LCD counter.hex into the PIC16F628A.
Is the file OK?
Thank you for your reply.
31.12.2013 - 12:53 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Kabeer.
I have no experience with Proteus. In real life the display is blank when the contrast potentiometer isn't set right. Try simulating different levels of the contrast.
31.12.2013 - 10:54 Name: kabeer Comment: Hello i know you did a nice job but i try to simulate this circuit using Proteus but no single display on the screen....
31.12.2013 - 10:29 Name: kabeer Comment: Hello i know you did a nice job but i try to simulate this circuit using Proteus but no single display on the screen....
15.03.2013 - 13:28 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Bandu.
You can edit the c file if you have HI-TECH for PIC16 installed, it comes with Microchip MPLAB.
I don't have this program in ASM, I don't know ASM well enough to write this program.
15.03.2013 - 01:40 Name: Bandu Comment: This file can't use with MPLAB please send ASM file
17.01.2013 - 07:03 Name: Moty Comment: Hi Tohu,
Attached hex file for the LCD Counter just in case you are can't download it from the site.
I've never written asm for this project because of the complexity of converting binary to decimal.
16.01.2013 - 16:56 Name: tohu Comment: asm or hex for this project thank you
08.12.2012 - 15:19 Name: Comment: interpretation of your 'comment dated 12.10.2011 - 14:44' is fortunately wrong. Best "regards"